In celebration of diversity in our company, we have launched a series of films under the title Diverse talent enables smarter steels. Watch Episode 1: Our Women below:
“Every day we are proud of the brilliant women working at ArcelorMittal. Having different perspectives represented across our group is vital for our business, for so many reasons - and our female voices are a very important component of that. Thank you for everything you contribute to ArcelorMittal.” Aditya Mittal, CEO, ArcelorMittal
Introducing Our Women
The first in the series of our diversity films, Our Women, features some of the many talented women working globally within ArcelorMittal today, as they tell their stories of personal growth, career progression, making their footprint on the industry and the pioneering work they are doing to transform the company on its journey to net zero.
These women include:
- Tatiana Abreu, General manager, Sul Fluminense steel plants, Brazil
- Nicola Davidson, Vice president, sustainable development and corporate communications, member of the management committee
- Tannaz Javadi, Senior research engineer
- Tanja Mantere, CEO, Tubular products Europe
- Yuthika Murilal, Project governance and cost-control lead, global DRI-EAF decarbonisation projects
These women represent different geographies, business functions and career paths but are united in their passion, sincerity and pride in their work. Over the coming weeks we will be sharing each of their unique career journeys, so please look out for them!
A word from Stephanie Werner-Dietz, Group Head of Human Resources
“Continuing to build an inclusive and diverse workplace is a key pillar of our new people strategy and a primary area of focus for 2023. I believe that inclusion and diversity provides our organisation with many benefits, including better talent access and higher engagement and trust levels, which ultimately leads to better outcomes and improved performance. There is still much to be done, but we are making progress. In 2021 we formed a group diversity and inclusion (D&I) council to govern and champion D&I globally. In particular, we are focused on improving our gender diversity and have committed to doubling the overall representation of women in management to reach at least 25% by 2030. This film celebrates the progress we’ve made on our journey to make ArcelorMittal a truly inclusive and diverse organisation where everyone feels welcome, respected and appreciated.”