The following table sets forth information on February 28, 2025 with respect to the beneficial ownership and voting rights of ArcelorMittal shares by each person who is known to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% ArcelorMittal's issued share capital and the number of treasury shares.
* The term "Significant Shareholder" means the trust (HSBC Trustee (C.I.) Limited, as trustee) a fully discretionary trust of which Mr Lakshmi N. Mittal and Mrs Usha Mittal are beneficiaries, holding ArcelorMittal shares through the following two companies: Nuavam Investments Sàrl and Lumen Investments Sàrl. The Significant Shareholder for purposes of this table, does not include ordinary shares owned directly by Mr Lakshmi N. Mittal and Mrs Usha Mittal and options held directly by Mr Lakshmi N. Mittal.
** The percentage for BlackRock Inc. presented in this table relates to the data in the last notification received from this shareholder.
According to ArcelorMittal's articles of association, a shareholder owning 2.5% or more of the share capital, or whose holding falls below 2.5% of the share capital, must notify ArcelorMittal.
Number of issued shares
Following the cancellation of 25 million treasury shares, ArcelorMittal has 852,809,772 shares in issue (compared to 877,809,772 before the cancellation). The total number of issued shares as of 28 April 2023 amounts to 852,809,772 (Link to Annex B with reference to article 14 of the Transparency Law)
Following the cancellation of 60 million treasury shares, ArcelorMittal has 877,809,772 shares in issue (compared to 937,809,772 before the cancellation). The total number of issued shares as of 18 May 2022 amounts to 877,809,772 (Link to Annex B with reference to article 14 of the Transparency Law)
Following the cancellation of 45 million treasury shares, ArcelorMittal has 937,809,772 shares in issue (compared to 982,809,772 before the cancellation). The total number of issued shares as of 14 January 2022 amounts to 937,809,772 (Annex B with reference to article 14 of the Transparency Law).
Following the cancellation of 50 million treasury shares, ArcelorMittal has 982,809,772 shares in issue (compared to 1,032,809,772 before the cancellation). The total number of issued shares as of 22 September 2021 amounts to 982,809,772 (Annex B with reference to article 14 of the Transparency Law).
Shareholding notification
With reference to the law and grand ducal regulation of 11 January 2008 on transparency requirements for issuers of securities, the shareholding notifications are made available below:
Year 2024:
Year 2023:
Year 2022:
Société Général SA: January 21
HSBC Trustee (C.I.) Limited: January 7
Year 2021:
Société Général SA: December 27
Société Général SA: December 24
Société Général SA: December 1
Société Général SA: November 26
Société Général SA: November 08
Société Général SA: November 05
Société Général SA: October 26
Société Général SA: September 1
Société Général SA: January 21
Year 2020:
Société Général SA: December 30
Société Général SA: December 24
Société Général SA: December 18
Société Général SA: November 24
Société Général SA: November 19
Société Général SA: November 06
Year 2017:
Share buy-back authorization
The general meeting of shareholders decided on 13 June 2020 to cancel the authorisation granted by it to the board of directors on 5 May 2015 with respect to the share buy-back programme, and to authorise the board of directors, with option to delegate, and the corporate bodies of the other companies in the ArcelorMittal group, to acquire and sell shares in the Company during a period of five years or until the date of its renewal by a resolution of the general meeting of shareholders if such renewal date is prior to the expiration the five-year period, in accordance with Luxembourg law of 10 August 1915 on commercial companies, as amended (the “Law”).
It includes the authorisation to enter into off-market and over-the-counter transactions and acquire shares in ArcelorMittal through derivative financial instruments.
The maximum number of shares that may be acquired is the maximum allowed by the Law in such manner that the accounting par value of the Company’s shares held by the Company do not in any event exceed 10% of the Company’s issued share capital.
The maximum number of own shares that ArcelorMittal may hold at any time directly or indirectly may not have the effect of reducing its net assets ("actif net") below the amount mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 461-2 of the Law.
The purchase price per share to be paid shall not exceed 110% of the average of the final listing prices of the 30 trading days preceding the three trading days prior to each date of repurchase, and shall not be less than one euro cent. The final listing prices are those on the Euronext markets where the Company is listed or the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, depending on the market on which the purchases are made.
For off-market transactions, the maximum purchase price shall be 110% of the reference price on the Euronext markets where ArcelorMittal is listed. The reference price will be deemed to be the average of the final listing prices per share on these markets during thirty (30) consecutive days on which these markets are open for trading preceding the three trading days prior to the date of purchase. In the event of a share capital increase by incorporation of reserves or issue premiums and the free allotment of shares as well as in the event of the division or regrouping of the shares, the purchase price indicated above shall be adjusted by a multiplying coefficient equal to the ratio between the number of shares comprising the issued share capital prior to the transaction and such number following the transaction.