Share buyback program 2023 -2025

Share buyback program of up to 85 million shares

Following publication of the first quarter 2023 results press release dated 4 May 2023 (the ‘ER Press Release’)[1], ArcelorMittal announces a new share buyback program of up to 85 million shares (the ‘Program’) under the authorization given by the annual general meeting of shareholders of 2 May 2023. The actual amount of shares that will be repurchased pursuant to this new Program will depend on the level of post-dividend Free Cash Flow generated over the period (the Company’s defined policy is to return a minimum of 50% of post-dividend annual FCF), the continued authorization by shareholders, and market conditions.

The key terms of the Program are summarized below:

Objectives: The shares acquired under this Program are intended (i) to primarily reduce ArcelorMittal’s share capital; (ii) to meet ArcelorMittal’s obligations arising from employee share program; and/or (iii) to meet ArcelorMittal’s obligations exchangeable into equity securities.

Maximum amount allocated to the Program: ArcelorMittal intends to repurchase up to 85 million shares which is authorized by the 2023 AGM and applicable Market Abuse Regulation.

Duration: by May 2025

Reporting of transactions in accordance with Market Abuse Regulation

In accordance with Market Abuse Regulation, transactions relating to the 85 million shares buyback program are reported below:

Over the period 17 March to 21 March 2025 a total of 1,250,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 29.1751. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 94.24% of its total target.

Over the period 10 March to 14 March 2025 a total of 472,372 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 28.668. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 92.77% of its total target.

Over the period 03 March to 04 March 2025 a total of 172,300 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 27.5284. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 92.21% of its total target.

Over the period 16 December to 20 December 2024 a total of 500,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.5596. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 92.01% of its total target.

Over the period 9 December to 13 December 2024 a total of 500,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.9887. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 91.42% of its total target.

Over the period 2 December to 6 December 2024 a total of 1,218,911 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.8958. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 90.83% of its total target.

Over the period 25 November to 29 November 2024 a total of 2,224,103 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.4337. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 89.40% of its total target.

Over the period 18 November to 22 November 2024 a total of 900,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.8925. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 86.78% of its total target.

Over the period 10 September to 13 September 2024 a total of 1,007,425 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 19.8835. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 85.72% of its total target.

Over the period 4 September to 6 September 2024 a total of 708,216 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 19.9867. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 84.54% of its total target.

Over the period 19 August to 21 August 2024 a total of 1,306,103 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 20.7297. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 82.71% of its total target.

Over the period 12 August to 16 August 2024 a total of 2,280,370 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 19.9724. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 82.17% of its total target.

Over the period 05 August to 09 August 2024 a total of 2,280,181 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 19.6895. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 79.49% of its total target.

Over the period 22 July to 24 July 2024 a total of 518,776 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 20.8364. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 76.8% of its total target.

Over the period 15 July to 19 July 2024 a total of 1,125,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 21.2239. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 76.19% of its total target.

Over the period 8 July to 12 July 2024 a total of 1,125,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 21.1122. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 74.87% of its total target.

Over the period 1 July to 5 July 2024 a total of 1,575,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 21.4936. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 73.55% of its total target.

Over the period 24 June to 27 June 2024 a total of 1,809,674 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 21.7786. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 71.69% of its total target.

Over the period 17 June to 21 June 2024 a total of 2,700,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 22.0148. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 69.56% of its total target.

Over the period 10 June to 14 June 2024 a total of 2,103,825 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 22.3473. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 66.39% of its total target.

Over the period 3 June to 7 June 2024 a total of 1,250,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.6855. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 63.91% of its total target.

Over the period 27 May to 31 May 2024 a total of 1,300,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.7659. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 62.44% of its total target.

Over the period 20 May to 24 May 2024 a total of 1,250,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.9879. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 60.91% of its total target.

Over the period 13 May to 17 May 2024 a total of 1,250,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 24.0930. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 59.44% of its total target.

Over the period 6 May to 10 May 2024 a total of 500,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.8847. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 57.97% of its total target.

Over the period 25 March to 28 March 2024 a total of 427,147 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 25.2617. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 57.38% of its total target.

Over the period 18 March to 22 March 2024 a total of 1,195,109 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 24.5256. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 56.88% of its total target.

Over the period 11 March to 15 March 2024 a total of 3,955,008 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 24.3904. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 55.47% of its total target.

Over the period 4 March to 8 March 2024 a total of 3,856,436 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.6359. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 50.82% of its total target.

Over the period 26 February to 1 March 2024 a total of 2,790,190 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 24.1263. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 46.28% of its total target.

Over the period 19 February to 23 February 2024 a total of 1,865,775 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 24.5049. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 43% of its total target.

Over the period 12 February to 16 February 2024 a total of 909,203 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 25.7382. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 40.81% of its total target.

Over the period 5 February to 9 February 2024 a total of 990,911 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 25.5971. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 39.74% of its total target.

Over the period 29 January to 2 February 2024 a total of 857,482 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 25.5795. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 38.57% of its total target.

Over the period 22 January to 26 January 2024 a total of 1,125,019 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 25.0249. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 37.39% of its total target.

Over the period 15 January to 19 January 2024 a total of 1,907,348 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 24.3082. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 36.24% of its total target.

Over the period 8 January to 12 January 2024 a total of 1,918,830 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 24.7647. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 34% of its total target.

Over the period 2 January to 5 January 2024 a total of 726,345 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 25.4236. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 31.74% of its total target.

Over the period 11 December to 15 December 2023 a total of 1,743,732 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.9344. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 30.88% of its total target.

Over the period 4 December to 8 December 2023 a total of 1,538,027 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.542. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 28.83% of its total target.

Over the period 27 November to 1 December 2023 a total of 4,549,707 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 22.8385. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 27.02% of its total target.

Over the period 20 November to 24 November 2023 a total of 5,361,679 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 22.176. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 21.67% of its total target.

Over the period 13 November to 17 November 2023 a total of 5,970,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 21.3959. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 15.36% of its total target.

Over the period 14 August to 18 August 2023 a total of 200,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 24.78. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 8.34% of its total target.

Over the period 7 August to 11 August 2023 a total of 1,000,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 24.63. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 8.10% of its total target.

Over the period 31 July to 4 August 2023 a total of 200,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 25.01. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 6.93% of its total target.

Over the period 29 May to 2 June 2023 a total of 2,467,205 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.59. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 6.69% of its total target.

Over the period 22 May to 26 May 2023 a total of 779,362 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.93. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 3.79% of its total target.

Over the period 15 May to 19 May 2023 a total of 133,663 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.79. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 2.87% of its total target.

Over the period 8 May to 12 May 2023 a total of 2,307,679 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 24.92. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 2.71% of its total target.


Share buyback program 2022 -2023

Share buyback program for an aggregate maximum amount of US$1.4 billion

Following publication of the second quarter 2022 and half year 2022 results press release dated 28 July 2022 (the ‘ER Press Release’)[1], ArcelorMittal announces a new share buyback program of 60,431,380 shares in the amount of approximately US$1.4 billion at current share price [2] (the ‘Program’) under the authorization given by the annual general meeting of shareholders of 4 May 2022, bringing the total 2022 buybacks announced so far to US$3.4 billion. For the background to this Program, reference is made to the ER Press Release. The Program is expected to be completed by the end of May 2023, subject to market conditions.

The Significant Shareholder has decided not to participate in the Program consistent with the position announced in the press release dated 25 February 2022[3].

The key terms of the Program are summarized below:

Objectives: The shares acquired under this Program are intended (i) To meet ArcelorMittal’s obligations under debt obligations exchangeable into equity securities; (ii) to reduce ArcelorMittal’s share capital, and/or (iii) to meet ArcelorMittal’s obligations arising from employee share programs.

Maximum amount allocated to the Program: ArcelorMittal intends to repurchase 60,431,380 shares for an aggregate maximum amount of approximately US$1.4 billion which is authorized by the 2022 AGM and applicable Market Abuse Regulation.

Duration: Till the end of May 2023

Reporting of transactions in accordance with Market Abuse Regulation

In accordance with Market Abuse Regulation, transactions relating to the US$1.4 billion shares buyback program are reported below:

Over the period 27 March to 31 March 2023 a total of 6,441,601 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 27.0120. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 100% of its total target of US$1.4 billion

Over the period 20 March to 24 March 2023 a total of 3,823,988 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 25.9885. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 89.34% of its total target of US$1.4 billion

Over the period 13 March to 17 March 2023 a total of 3,747,359 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 26.2539. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 83.01% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 6 March to 10 March 2023 a total of 1,626,773 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 29.458. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 76.81% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 27 February to 3 March 2023 a total of 510,652 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 28.7092. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 74.12% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 20 February to 24 February 2023 a total of 2,224,568 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 28.0605. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 71.82% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 13 February to 17 February 2023 a total of 730,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 27.42. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 69.59% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 31 October to 4 Novembre 2022 a total of 2,017,708 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 22.59. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 68.39% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 24 October to 28 October 2022 a total of 1,508,838 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 22.85. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 65.05% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 17 October to 21 October 2022 a total of 2,250,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 22.36. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 62.55% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 10 October to 14 October 2022 a total of 2,250,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 21.57. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 58.83% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 3 October to 7 October 2022 a total of 2,250,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 21.32. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 55.10% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 26 September to 30 September 2022 a total of 5,850,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 20.40. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 51.38% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 19 September to 23 September 2022 a total of 2,120,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 21.69. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 41.70% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 12 September to 16 September 2022 a total of 1,250,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 22.12. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 38.19% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 5 September to 9 September 2022 a total of 1,149,843 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 22.51. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 36.12% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 29 August to 2 September 2022 a total of 1,732,133 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 24.00. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 34.22% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 22 August to 26 August 2022 a total of 5,103,527 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.44. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 31.35% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 15 August to 19 August 2022 a total of 4,232,831 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 24.30. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 22.91% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 8 August to 12 August 2022 a total of 3,565,272 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 24.42. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 15.90% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.

Over the period 1 August to 5 August 2022 a total of 6,046,287 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.59. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 10.01% of its total target of US$1.4 billion.


[2] Based on share price as at 26.07.22 of $22.90/share


ArcelorMittal Shares Status As Of December 31, 2024