ArcelorMittal Brazil is making a number of contributions to support society in facing the coronavirus pandemic. In addition to community based initiatives, it has joined the government, class entities and other companies to be part of extensive, collaborative networks to help fight the disease. So far, it has contributed over $3.5 million (BRL 18 million) to initiatives across the country.

These include a contribution of over $750,000 (BRL 4 million) to the Margarida Hospital in João Monlevade (MG); the repair of mechanical ventilators in partnership with Senai and other large industries; construction of a laboratory in Belo Horizonte to carry out COVID-19 tests; the donation of hygiene materials and hospital supplies in the states of Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina; support in the manufacturing of 150,000 masks for health professionals from Espírito Santo; and the purchase of tests for rapid identification of the coronavirus.


“ArcelorMittal Brazil is mobilised, worldwide and in Brazil, to fight the pandemic caused by the Coronavirus. It is time to join forces and work collaboratively. We are intensifying preventive actions for society by allocating contributions and sharing our experience to expand the service provided to people affected by the virus.” Jefferson De Paula, CEO, ArcelorMittal Long Carbon LATAM.

“Since COVID-19 began, we have been focusing our actions on the health and safety of our employees, partners and family members, and contributing to the efforts of government, other associations and class entities. Our actions are aligned with the needs of the communities in which we operate, and they are supported by our technological expertise. Each one needs to contribute and work in partnership, and only then will we overcome this crisis.” Benjamin Baptista Filho, president of ArcelorMittal Brazil.


Regional initiatives

Repair of respirators

ArcelorMittal Brazil is working in partnership with the Innovation and Technology Centre of Senai/MG and other organisations in Minas Gerais to repair mechanical respirators which are not being used in hospitals. Respirators have already been repaired and delivered this week to the Margarida Hospital in João Monlevade.


ArcelorMittal Brazil employees working on the repair of damaged respirators to return to Brazilian hospitals to assist those infected with coronavirus


Minas Gerais

50,000 face shield masks, produced in partnership with local entrepreneurs, have been donated to hospitals. Medical supplies, including alcohol gel, surgical masks, hospital gowns and gloves have also been sent to hospitals in nine cities across Minas Gerais. 50,000 rapid tests and 20,000 PCR tests have been purchased for employees, family members, and local communities.


$750,000 contribution to regional hospital in João Monlevade

Over $750,000 (BRL 4 million) has been given to the Margarida Hospital in João Monlevade (MG) to improve the healthcare infrastructure for the local population, ultimately helping around 140,000 people. Funds will enable the expansion of the ICU with ten new beds and ventilators, 16 new infirmary beds, exclusive emergency care for screening suspected cases of COVID-19 with seven beds and basic supplies for the operation of the health centre. They will also enable the acquisition of 3,000 tests for rapid identification of the coronavirus.


Margarida Hospital in João Monlevade
Margarida Hospital in João Monlevade


Construction of a laboratory in Belo Horizonte

In partnership with the city of Belo Horizonte, ArcelorMittal Brazil is building the Municipal Laboratory of Molecular Biology to carry out tests of COVID-19, expanding the network of diagnosis and control of the disease in the city.


Espírito Santo

ArcelorMittal Tubarão in Serra (ES) is supporting the elderly, the group most vulnerable to the virus. In partnership with the Public Prosecutor’s Office, it is donating personal hygiene and cleaning kits which will benefit around 294 elderly residents and employees. It is also donating, in partnership with a collaboration network, 150,000 masks to the city administration of Serra and to health professionals, via State Government. Using its own laboratories and working to World Health Organization (WHO) and Anvisa guidelines, it is producing up to 180 litres a day of glycerine alcohol and antiseptic for employees, to take pressure off public demand.


Donation of personal hygiene and cleaning kits to Casas Lares (elderly home care) in the cities of Serra and Vitória, Espírito Santo


Santa Catarina

ArcelorMittal Vega, in São Francisco do Sul, is partnering with several local institutions to deliver vital healthcare equipment. These include the Federation of Industries of the State of Santa Catarina (Fiesc), in partnership with the Government of Santa Catarina State, to donate funds to the Corporate Fund for Articulated Reaction of Santa Catarina State Against the Coronavirus (Fera). Funds will be used to buy respirators and hospital supplies. It has also donated oximeters, alcohol gel and disposable hospital gowns to the Municipal Secretariat of Health. Hospital furniture and equipment has been provided to install a field hospital in the city, nitrile gloves (disposable medical gloves) and alcohol gel delivered to the Military Police, and hygiene and cleaning materials given to a local nursing home.


Fundraising campaign

The ArcelorMittal Foundation has launched a campaign targeted at employees and family members to donate resources to social entities that serve the community. ArcelorMittal Brazil will contribute by matching each donation made. For more information visit: