In Liberia, we operate a Biodiversity Conservation Program to address the damage caused by agriculture and mining.

ArcelorMittal’s Liberian mines are set in Nimba County, surrounded by both mountain and lowland rainforest.

Our mining area consists of approximately 51,000 hectares, representing less than 1% of the total forest. The Nimba Mountains are renowned for their biodiversity, but have been damaged by agricultural practices and overhunting, even in the absence of mining.

Launched in 2011, the Biodiversity Conservation Program (BCP) is our approach to developing sustainable forest management throughout the area. Through the BCP we are partnering with authorities and communities to create a healthy ecosystem and sustainable livelihoods across the region.

Biodiversity Conservation Program achievements

  • 800 farmers trained in conservation agriculture
  • 50 hunters retrained as front-line conservationists
  • $1.3m spent on our BCP in 2017
  • Replanting of trees in Tokedeh and Gangra

One of the initiatives launched was a guidebook in collaboration with CIRAD (the French agricultural research and international cooperation organization) on important Liberian grasses as part of the environmental and social studies for its mining operations in the western range of the Nimba Mountains in Liberia.

The guidebook provides a detailed overview of local grass species and was commissioned by ArcelorMittal to enhance the company’s understanding of the role of grasses in the biological environment in Northern Nimba. The grass study will also help ensure land restoration works make use of the best available species. The mission was carried out in the framework of the Western Range DSO (Direct Shipping Ore) Iron Ore Project. This project concerns the resumption of the mining activities in Northern Nimba of Liberia, specifically in the Yekepa region. This mission also took into account other sites such as Greenhill Quarry (quarry for ballast) and Buchanan (harbour activities) that are directly connected to the mining activities.


Photo: View of Nimba region in northern Liberia.