A radical vision for the future of urban mobility

California-based battery electric vehicle (BEV) startup Canoo has a radical vision for the future of urban mobility. Its flagship BEV, also called Canoo, is designed for a world in which transportation is increasingly electrified, shared and autonomous. Canoo’s unconventional design takes advantage of the flatter structure possible with EV architectures to create much more interior space within its cabin. And rather than being sold to customers, the vehicle is offered on a commitment-free subscription basis, with services bundled in.

Image courtesy of Canoo®

Steel - the material of choice

Canoo meets its ambitious targets for both weight and safety using the latest generation of high-strength steels. Used for both the BEV’s innovative “skateboard” chassis and its cabin, steel makes up around 90% of the vehicle, the highest steel content ever used in a BEV. Strength as well as versatility and recyclability make advanced steels the ideal choice for this project. As Peter LeBlanc, chief marketing officer of automotive for ArcelorMittal North America confirms: “Steel is, and will be, the preferred material for mobility as it is designed to maximize cost efficiency, sustainability, and safety.”

Read the full case study here