ArcelorMittal and Samsung collaborate to meet customer demand for home appliances
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Located near Poznán, Poland, Samsung Electronics Poland Manufacturing produces more than three million washing machines and refrigerators each year, destined for Europe, Russia, the Middle East and Africa. Our steel is in one in two of these appliances, due to a close supplier relationship that led to our receiving Samsung’s Best Partner award in 2015.
Expertise on demand
Samsung tests all our steels in Korea before they can be used in production, checking for colour and mechanical properties. Since the Poland facility opened, we have undertaken more than 100 of these approvals and today, Samsung uses ArcelorMittal grades including hot dip galvanised, hot and cold rolled, and organic coated steels, in particular our Estetic® Casa pre-painted steels for domestic appliances. And with our facility in Eisenhüttenstadt, Germany, close by, technical experts can be quickly on site with Samsung when needed.