Today, these three Science Centres employ 49 staff members, with their annual operational budget entirely funded by ArcelorMittal South Africa. More than 20,000 children at 130 schools, as well as 500 teachers, benefit from exposure to these Centres each year.

ArcelorMittal South Africa’s core business relies heavily on being able to access skilled people in the scientific, engineering and technological fields. Improving maths and science performance at schools in the communities around the company’s areas of operation provides a sustainable resource for ArcelorMittal South Africa and works towards alleviating the national skills crisis. 

The ArcelorMittal Science Centres were established to address the country-wide shortage of skills in the engineering fields which is exacerbated by the fact that learners do not follow the science disciplines, inadequate facilities in schools and insufficient qualified teachers.

The table below shows the improvement in pass marks for a school that participates in the AMSA Science Centre programme.

Pass mark improvements for a school that participates in the AMSA Science Centre programme (2014-2016)

  2014 2015 2016
Maths 53% 75% 77%
Physical science 69% 80% 92%