Toyota Europe awarded the world’s leading steel and mining company its ‘Built in Quality’ supplier award, with ArcelorMittal employees from the automotive Europe commercial team and the ArcelorMittal Atlantique and Lorraine team travelling to Toyota Motor Manufacturing’s plant in Burnaston near Derby, UK, in order to receive the award.
‘Built in Quality’ is a Toyota methodology that aims to continuously improve quality. Toyota trains its suppliers to understand and implement this methodology in the sites that manufacture products for the automotive company.
ArcelorMittal’s ‘Built in Quality’ award follows the implementation of the methodology, which began around 10 years ago, and comes in recognition of ArcelorMittal’s quality performance that has continuously improved over the last three years.
Toyota Europe gave a number of reasons for recognising ArcelorMittal with the award, including:
- A low number of claims (for example, defects), exceeding Toyota Europe’s quality target by more than 15%
- Recognition as the best steel supplier in Toyota Europe’s annual supplier assessment for the second consecutive year
- The significant and increasing gap between ArcelorMittal’s performance and that of its competitors
- Zero quality problem reports (QPRs) in 2016 for ArcelorMittal Mardyck in France (part of the Atlantique and Lorraine cluster), the main mill supplying Toyota Europe with automotive and exposed galvannealed steels
- Recognition as the best quality steel supplier for Toyota Manufacturing Russia in 2016.
Commenting on the award, ArcelorMittal’s Francis Bugnard, general manager and technical general, Automotive Europe, said:
“This award is a recognition of the amazing efforts our teams made to meet Toyota Europe’s expectations, year after year, in terms of quality, making ArcelorMittal their most reliable steel supplier”.