Modern Slavery Act statement


ArcelorMittal SA (the “Company”) is the world’s leading steel and mining company and the
leading supplier of quality steel products in all major markets including automotive, construction,
household appliances and packaging. ArcelorMittal has a presence in 60 countries and primary
steelmaking facilities in 17 countries.

This statement is made by the Company on behalf of itself and on behalf of its subsidiaries
(together referred to as the “ArcelorMittal Group”) that are required to make a statement
pursuant to the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act, 2015. The ArcelorMittal Group is committed
to driving out acts of modern-day slavery and human trafficking within its business and supply
chain and expects the same from suppliers and partners.

For further information on the ArcelorMittal Group, its structure, its business and operations please
refer the Company’s online Annual Review.

Our Approach to Human Rights

Our approach to Human Rights (which is derived from various International Human Rights
Declarations including the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights) is contained in various
policy documents and focuses on respecting the human rights of our employees and local
communities. We also seek to extend our influence on our supply chain to share our commitment
to improve social (including health and safety and human rights), environmental and ethical

Our Policy Framework

Code of Business Conduct: Articulates the fundamental legal and ethical principles that guide
our conduct. It also sets out our commitments to a work environment free of harassment and
discrimination, promoting occupational health and safety and respecting the environment.
Human Rights Policy: Articulates our commitment and respect for all human rights in line with
the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The ArcelorMittal Group
opposes the use of forced or compulsory labour, human trafficking and all forms of human rights
violations known as ‘modern slavery’, within our own operations and through our supply chain.
Code for Responsible Sourcing: Sets out the expectations we have of our supply chain in
relation to human rights, health and safety, the environment and anti-corruption. This includes
ensuring that all work is freely chosen and without the use of forced or compulsory labour. The
code is supplemented by a guidance document for the ArcelorMittal Group’s buyers and suppliers
which details specific expectations in relation to child labour and forced or compulsory labour.

Identifying and Managing Risk

Risk Assessment and Mitigation: The ArcelorMittal Group has implemented a risk assessment
framework that invites local units to consider human rights issues during their local risk
assessments. We revised our Code for Responsible Sourcing to include explicit references and
targets relating to our commitment to ResponsibleSteelTM, IRMA and other industry initiatives.

Supply chain evaluation: Most of our new suppliers are subject to due diligence processes and
are required to accept our Code for Responsible Sourcing as part of our new supplier registration
process. We may also conduct a site visit to identify potential breaches of the Code and agree on a
timeline and process for mitigating them. We also require most of our core and strategic suppliers
to respond to an annual survey to verify their compliance with the Code for Responsible Sourcing
and offer support to suppliers in their efforts to comply if they do not meet our standards. Any
new suppliers are required to commit to the terms of our Code and adopt practices in line with
ResponsibleSteel™ or equivalent standards.

Conflict minerals: The ArcelorMittal Group procures a small amount of tin and tungsten
(considered conflict minerals). Our procurement team carries out an annual due diligence process
in accordance with the US Dodd Frank Act section 1502, to ensure that the smelters from which
our tin and tungsten are sourced have been assessed by an independent validation scheme.
ArcelorMittal also issues an annual Report on Conflict Minerals.

Reporting mechanisms: The ArcelorMittal Group operates a confidential and anonymous
whistleblowing facility on our website, through which all stakeholders may report ethical concerns.
Our global assurance team monitors the volume, type and response to such concerns, and we
report on this in our Annual Review.

Measuring effectiveness: The ArcelorMittal Group has no reason to believe that the process
described above is not effective. Individual matters brought to the attention of the management
are investigated.

Continuous Improvement: Management, along with the Corporate Responsibility team,
undertake reviews of policy implementation in order to identify further areas or opportunities for
continuous improvement. In 2020 we initiated the process of certifying a number of the
ArcelorMittal Group’s sites against the ResponsibleSteelTM standard. This includes assessing the
controls and processes in place to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within our
operations, where no issues of concern were highlighted. In 2021, nine ArcelorMittal plants in
Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg became the first sites globally to become ResponsibleSteelTM
certified. We will continue with these efforts in the remaining plants in Europe, Brazil and at NAFTA

Our Training Efforts

All employees are required to be trained and to refresh their training on our Code of Business
Conduct every three years. 100% of General Managers and above have completed this training
for 2023. General Managers and above, and those in relevant roles, also undertake specific
Human Rights training which is also to be refreshed every three years (96.9% in 2023). Where
we observe concerns, additional training is provided onsite. Buyers who interact with suppliers
are also provided with training in our Code for Responsible Sourcing.
This statement is hereby approved by the Group Compliance and Data Protection Officer of the
ArcelorMittal Group on July 2024 on delegation of the Board of Directors and will be reviewed

L.S. Henk Scheffer
Group Compliance and Data Protection Officer

Annex: List of the Company`s UK-based subsidiaries that are covered by this declaration:

  • ArcelorMittal Orbit Limited
  • ArcelorMittal Sheffield Limited
  • ArcelorMittal Commercial UK Ltd
  • ArcelorMittal Distribution Solutions UK Limited
  • ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Birmingham Limited
  • Industeel UK Limited
  • ArcelorMittal Limited
  • ArcelorMittal Shipping Limited
  • Sutherwise Limited
  • ArcelorMittal Mining UK Limited
  • Ferrosure (Isle of Man) Insurance Company Limited
  • ArcelorMittal Kent Wire Limited
  • Total Ship Services Limited
  • Arcelor SSC UK Barking Limited
  • Arcelor Construction UK Ltd